Friday, September 5, 2008

How to identify an abused relationship – 24 Tips

By Rita A. Coker

Every human being needs love and a relationship. We are made this way. No one wants to live alone except they are forced to do so due to one thing or the other. Because of this, many people, if not everybody seeks some form of a relationship.

Unfortunately many of these relationships end up very badly because we fail to see the signs of an abuser or a potential one. Is this a classic example of what they say that love is blind? Hopefully, the tips below, which are by no means exhaustive, will help mothers to counsel their daughters and friends to counsel their friends.

If you want to test your relationship to see if it’s a healthy one, watch out for the following signs:

A very possessive partner
They always want to know who has called you
They try to read your mails
They read your text messages
They try to listen in on your conversations with friends and even family members.
They sulk when you don’t give them what they request for
They are bad tempered
Refuse to forgive easily when offended
They are not friendly with your friends or even family members
They try to get you to break up your relationships with friends and even family members
Highly jealous whenever you speak with the opposite sex
They discourage you from responding to party invitations from friends
They start complaining about your job
They are very domineering
They complain about how you dress instead of making suggestions
They throw things and destroy things when they get angry
You cannot question their actions and if you do they blow up
They refuse to let you meet their family members or friends
Whenever they misbehave, they accuse you for making them do it
They cannot give you compliments
They speak harshly to you most of the times
They never appreciate whatever you do
They stalk you
They do not trust you

If you are seeing more than 2 of the above, please run for your dear life. You are definitely living in an abused relationship or you are heading for one. Your happiness is very important. Go
and find someone who will truly appreciate you and love you. Love yourself. Be your own boss.

To be your own boss follow the link below:

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